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A collection of our thoughts, opinions, (and sometimes general musings) on everything to do with all aspects of business finance, commercial finance, small businesses, and general news about ASC Finance for Business.

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    Commercial finance is available from as little as 2%

    As we enter the final month of 2015, it is clear that more and more lenders are willing to provide finance to small businesses. Over the last year, ASC finance have raised over £118 million for small businesses, and counting, including such deals as: We successfully arranged a £300,000 working capital loan for a high...

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    Don't be a jack of all trades, yet a master of none

    There’s a saying that you need to work at something for 10,000 hours in order to master it. Thinking about it, that’s a long period of time. It makes sense to focus on being an expert in one or two areas, rather than too many – as the expression goes, you don’t want to be...

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    The Secret to Commercial Finance

    There are many potential reasons as to why a lender might reject an application for finance. You can submit the information to any lender, and hope for the best, but surely there are ways to maximise your chances of success? And that is where experience comes in. We know what objections lenders may have with...

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    Wanting to beat the bag charge? Shop local!

    “I’m not paying 5p for a bag!” We all might have heard someone say that in the last few days (or a few of us might have even uttered those words ourselves). But the 5p tax on plastic bags came into force in England this month (with people in Scotland and Wales already being familiar...

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    Small businesses breaking records!

    We were pleased to see the latest statistics which were released by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. They showed that last year, an additional 146,000 small businesses were started. This brings the total number of small businesses in the UK to a record 5.35million. We don’t need to remind you about the importance...

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    Even the banks choose ASC for their finance!

    We have told you about our track record of successfully arranging finance for small business owners and entrepreneurs over the last forty years, but it’s not just ourselves who see the value in using ASC Finance, it is the banks as well. One of our clients is a senior member of staff of one of...

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    The importance of understanding small business owners

    We read a great little story the other day, amount a businessman in the USA, Franson Nwaeze, who was looking to get finance in place to start up his own restaurant. He approached his bank and was turned away – despite his skillset, business plan and various other strengths in his proposal. Not it turned...

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    Where have all the humans gone?

    I tried to fix a small issue with my internet supplier the other day. They didn’t provide a contact number, but instead directed me to their “live chat” facility. In theory, this was a great idea, I could simply type the problem out on my keyboard, and somebody at the other end would type back...

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    Small Businesses Growing Again!

    Growth among SMEs has now hit the same heights that it was pre-recession. We were pleased to read that little statistic this week in a study by the Enterprise Research Centre. This can only be good news for small businesses across the UK who are looking to continue to grow over the next few months....

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    What is Crowdfunding?

    It’s a term which gets branded about fairly frequently at the moment. But not everyone knows what it means. Obtaining a commercial loan via a crowd-funder, is similar to obtaining a commercial loan via a traditional bank. The difference being that instead of the bank lending you the money directly, the loan is listed on...

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