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Bridging Finance

  • Banks, Business, Finance, Loans, Property, SME

    What is the difference between open and closed bridging?

    Bridging finance is a short-term loan used to bridge a financial gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing property. There are two main types of bridging finance; open and closed.  Open Bridging Finance has no set date for the loan to be repaid. This type of bridging finance is...

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  • Finance, Loans

    How can ASC support your projects?

    When our clients require finance for a short period of time, anything from two months to two years, bridging or short-term finance could be a suitable solution. When approaching banks for finance, lenders have different key considerations for bridging and short-term finance lending, since a short-term loan will be paid off faster, it can mean...

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  • Business, Loans

    What is Bridging Finance and how can it help my business?

    Bridging Finance can be a useful tool for some businesses; it involves short-term borrowing usually for a specific project. So, what does bridging finance entail? It’s usually provided over a short period of time, at a higher monthly interest rate than a traditional longer-term loan. Lenders usually require a clear exit strategy – usually the...

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