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Finding Finance

  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Looking for evidence that a broker matters? Almost a third of broker clients have secured finance, despite having been declined elsewhere!

    We often get asked why people should use a broker if they are looking to raise commercial finance. In their recent survey, the @National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers, highlighted one particular statistic which we thought really showed the value of a commercial finance broker. Of all the clients that brokers secured finance for, 29%...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Why do lenders need to see my bank statements?

    It is a question we often get asked by our clients. When we are discussing their commercial finance requirements with them, we go through the documentation that lenders might request as part of their underwriting. One thing lenders often ask for is the borrower’s bank statements. And one thing the borrower often asks is “why?”...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Why you should buy a fitness centre in 2023

    Thinking of buying a fitness centre? From health clubs to standard gyms, this article from will list the top reasons why investing in this sector is a smart choice.  Is buying a fitness centre a good idea?  Health and wellness are not products. They are a lifestyle that many people incorporate into their daily...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Loans, Property, SME

    You know the banks that don’t lend – we know the banks that do!

    Who can you actually speak to at your bank? Who answers your questions and actually makes decisions? If you cast your mind back, a business used to have a dedicated bank manager – someone who knew the business inside and out. And if you wanted to secure finance for your business, they had the knowledge,...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Loans, Property, Property development

    Can I apply for finance without planning permission?

    This is a question we often get asked by aspiring property developers. Can I apply for finance for a property development before getting planning permission? There are a few options open to you: 1) Wait for planning permission. You can wait for planning to come in before applying for finance. But this can sometimes leave...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans

    What’s your New Years Resolution for your Business?

    2023 is here. Have you made a new year’s resolution for your business? Maybe this is the year where you undertake that next project, reorganise your finances, or bring on more staff. Whatever your dreams and goals are, it is important that if you have a target for your business, that it is something achievable....

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, SME

    New Year. New Business. New You

    Why do people want to become their own boss and run their own business? Last month we spoke at the Business Show at the Excel, talking about the different ways people can raise finance to buy a business. There are many different ways people can raise finance, from traditional bank loans to forms of alternative...

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  • Finance, SME

    How we help our clients – Finance for a Bed & Breakfast

    Robert Harrison from ASC in Merseyside, has been a commercial finance broker for many years. We asked him about the deals he was most proud of. One which stuck out was a particular client he helped raise finance for. The client was introduced to Robert through her accountant and had always thought of taking the...

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  • Business, SME

    Different ways that securing finance can positively impact your business

    Over the past few months, we’ve seen reports of SMEs in the UK, even those that are highly profitable, having issues securing finance for their projects. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, SMEs represent 99.9% of the 5.5 million businesses in the UK, so keeping them funded and successful is vital. We’re here to...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, SME

    Could funding be what your business needs for the future?

    For the past year SMEs across the nation have had to adapt to all the new changes and challenges presented to them in many forms due to the pandemic. For most that means it’s been quite difficult to plan for the future. With things levelling off, SMEs are now starting to make and even implement...

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