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  • Financial World

    Experience and Understanding – Always Necessary!

    Nobody knows a business like its accountant. Their knowledge of a business’ books and finances means they have a better understanding of the exact situation a business is in than any other employee. This puts them in a unique position when it comes to business finance – their understanding of a business means they can...

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  • Banks, Finance, Financial World, Loans

    Knowledge at Your Fingertips

    The modern world runs on data analysis. Everything from stocks and finance trading to marketing and advertising runs on a foundation of solid data that helps direct decisions and focus attention on how a company’s actions impact its business offering. Whilst not as data-derivative as, say, stockbroking, the lending world is no different in this...

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  • Banks, Economy, Financial World, Government, Loans

    Basic Opinions

    It’s no secret that lenders live and die by their interest rates. Exactly what interest rates a lender charges has a major impact on potential clients. As such, a change in the Bank of England’s base rate is a serious event. If the base rate rises, it could mean more profit, but if their rates...

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