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  • Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans

    ASC Update - Covid 19

    Dear all, 95% of business might be impacted by the Coronavirus, with the majority hit by uncertainty or decreased demand. We understand that this is a challenging time for small businesses, and that despite everything you still have a business to look after. We wanted to ensure you that ASC are still here to support...

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  • Loans

    How to find a commercial lender that works for you and your business?

    Did you know that there are over 300 banks and 45 additional building societies in the UK? That’s quite a lot! So how do you know which lender is the right one for you and your business? At ASC we offer a refreshingly personal service for business owners. This is an experience that may not always be received...

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  • Finance, Loans

    What do lenders want to see? Experience.

    In past blogs, we’ve talked about a number of different things lenders will look at in any application for finance. But there’s one that we haven’t covered just yet – the importance of experience. When a lender offers you a loan, they want to be as certain as possible that they’re going to get their...

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  • Finance, Loans

    We’ve got long-term and short term already – now we have long-term-short-term?

    In the “traditional” world of looking for a loan, you’ve got two sets of timeframes when you’re looking at payment schedules. The option known to most is long-term mortgages or unsecured loans. These are normally aimed to take around 15-20 years to pay off, and most businesses looking at major projects will be pursuing them....

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  • Finance, Loans

    Finance has more options than you can shake a stick at – here are a few you might not have heard of!

    When we say that the finance world is vast, we’re not being flippant. Finance is an ever-growing world, and new options to find the loan you need are being created and tested constantly. With such a vast array of ever-changing options to get the funds you need, it’s perhaps not surprising that most businesses only...

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  • Business, Loans

    Did you know you could use your pension for commercial property finance? Our latest ASC Infographic outlines SIPP Finance.

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Loans

    We all know the bank managers have disappeared. But where did they go?

    In the “old days”, getting a loan was perhaps a simpler task. You went to the bank, you asked for an appointment with the manager, and got yourself booked in. Then you came back at your allotted timeslot, presented your business plan, and if the manager liked the idea, then they gave you the money...

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  • Finance, Loans

    Payments on your loan can be a confusing prospect. Our new ASC Infographic helps explain your options.

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  • Banks

    Lenders, Lenders everywhere – which one is right for you?

    If you had to name every lender in the UK, do you think you could? We doubt it. When most people think of “lenders”, what they’re really thinking of is high-street banks. It’s certainly possible to name all of those, but at most that’s going to be around 20-25 different lenders. This might seem like...

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  • Loans

    Can I Repay a Business Loan Early?

    When you’re looking at a business loan, you’re normally looking at a fixed-term prospect. A business loan is based on a set repayment schedule over an agreed period of time. So we’d like to talk about a question we sometimes get. Can you pay back your loan early? Every business would love to pay back...

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