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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    Our latest ASC Infographic explains the concept of LTV

    LTV is a word that gets tossed around a lot in Business Finance. But what exactly does it mean, and how does it affect your loans? Well, our newest Infographic is here to clear that up!

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  • Finance, Loans

    Confused about Peer-to-Peer Finance? Have a look at our new Infographic!

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Finance is one of those topics that it’s easy to get the wrong idea about. So, to help everyone understand it, our latest ASC Infographic is all about what P2P is, and how you can get it!  

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  • ASC News, Financial World

    Interesting Times are ahead – use them to your advantage. The ASC Autumn Newsletter

    Does anybody know what’s going on in the UK at the moment? We’d say that it’s fairly unlikely. With all the political dramatics and potential economic effects that’re being prepared for at the moment, the only thing that anyone can say for certain is that we’re in for interesting times. In times like these, the...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, Loans

    Finding Finance – how much research should you do?

    Finance is a world in which knowledge is power. There are thousands of options to consider – finance can be tailored to fit almost any viable business. It’s one of the big reasons why we’re so emphatic in our view that you should always use a broker. It’s a broker’s job to research those options...

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  • In The Press

    Looking at a property development finance? Have a look at our latest article in Pro Builder!

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  • Banks, Financial World, Loans

    Time is everything in the business world – and banks are prone to wasting it.

    Today, we’d like to ask you a question – when was the last time you spoke to someone at your bank? Unless you’ve had the misfortune of losing your debit card or being a victim of fraud, we’d say the answer is “not recently”. If you’re one of the “lucky” few who have, then we’ve...

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  • Business, Financial World, Loans

    Freedom from Freeholds? Leasehold Business Finance

    Freehold or leasehold? It’s the ultimate question when it comes down to property purchases. Do you want to pay substantially less for your property but have limited ownership, or do you want to fork out for the full ownership at a much greater cost? The right answer will depend on what you need, but the...

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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    Small loans, big loans, some the size of your head. Does size matter in finance?

    It wouldn’t be overly unfair to call business finance a “numbers game”. Whilst the most important thing in the business is undoubtedly personality, at the end of the day the fine details are often about the numbers. Exit fees, interest rates, monthly repayments and more all add up (no pun intended) to a full package...

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  • Financial World, Loans, Property

    Buy-to-lets: a “soft” approach to business?

    How many of you reading this own more than one property? If we’d asked that question 10 years ago, we highly doubt that many would have responded “yes”. Today, though, we imagine the answer spread would be very different. Whilst the BTL market has certainly cooled since the 3% Stamp Duty increase implemented in 2016,...

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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    Variety is the spice of life – you have more options than you think!

    When people think finance, they tend to default to a small, set series of options. Ask your average business owner what they think of as “finance”, and you’ll get one of two answers most of the time – a secured business loan, or a mortgage. It’s easy to see why – they’re the “standard” options...

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