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  • Business, Financial World

    Funds, safe and sound – Why you need to be sure of Security in Finance

    Businesses are, by their nature, volatile creatures. Location, the economy and even the time of the year can serious affect a businesses’ fortunes, and nowhere is this truer than in the SME world. A small business doesn’t have the safety nets that major corporations do, and a turn in the financial winds can easily spell...

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  • Finance, Financial World, SME

    Opportunities need funds – we’re here to provide them

    The biggest tragedy that any business faces is having to turn down opportunities. Having the chance to grow your business, but not being able to take it, is disheartening for any business owner. Unfortunately, it’s a situation that’s been on the rise in recent years – according to some recently released research, 55% of small...

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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    It Pays to Shop Local

    Like any sector, the finance world has lenders of all shapes and sizes. From massive multinational banks to smaller, more local lenders, there are over 300 different funding sources available for a business looking for finance in the UK. But not all lenders are created equal – depending on where you are, and what exactly...

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  • ASC News, Banks, Finance, Financial World

    The Search for a Loan – What’s right for You?

    A “loan” is a simple word, but it encompasses a multitude of financial options so wide that an inexperienced viewer can easily get lost. Trying to find the right loan can be confusing, and we’d never recommend looking without a specialist who can sort the bewildering array of options into something more palatable. With so...

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  • Banks, Financial World, Loans

    Inviting a Comparison

    “How do you choose between lenders?” is a question we get asked often. It can be a tricky question to answer – no two brokers will have the same method, for one. But it involves broker and client looking at an offer and seeing if it really fits a business. However, there’s been a development...

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  • Housing, Property

    Centre of A-tenant-tion

    Do you know who your landlord is? For some, that’s an easy question – they rent from a private landlord who they can contact if needed. For others, it’s less so – many people in the UK rent either from or through estate agents and property management services, with no definite “landlord” to contact. This...

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